(ENGLISH) He was born in Tokyo in April, 1960. Since he was a child, he liked the smell and the softness of the leather, and he liked to make bags and shoes. He was interested in fashion since he was a student at Tama Art University. After his graduation he started to work in a company shoes. Then he left to Italy where he attended a school design shoes (ARS Sutoria). After his returning to Japan, he worked and continued his studies of italian languege. He left to Italy again in 1988. He worked as modellist by a shoes maker in Milan for one year since 1989. In Milan he worked as a modellist for a studio too, where many shoes of various brands were made. In 1990 he moved to Florence where he esperienced a foothold for a while and then he started a free-lance activity. In Florence he learned technology while he produced shoes and he cooperated with shoes maker of Toscana and others obscure and famous maker. During the last 13 years he has gained lots of experience in making shoes in Italy. He had his presentation of his works in Paris in 2000. His collection is very original for the concept for the feeling, for the details, for the materials, and the handoven fabrics. He goes to factories himself and manages production. Brand of YOSUKE YAJIMA are sold in Japan, America, Italian shops.

(ITALIANO) Nato a Tokyo nell' Aprile del 1960, fin dall' infanzia ama l'odore dei pellami, e la loro morbidezza. Costruisce di tanto in tanto borse e scarpe imitando gli altri. All'universita' d'arte ha gia' idea di lavorare nel campo della moda e dopo la laurea, infatti, si fa assumere in un'azienda che produce scarpe. Grazie a quest'ultima poi, si specializza presso la scuola di scarpe di Milano (ARS Sutoria). Continuando a fare sempre il dipendente in quel posto, impara la lingua italiana per conto suo. Nel 1988 decide di trasferirsi in Italia. Frequentando di nuovo la scuola di lingua a Firenze, comincia a vendere dei disegni originali di scarpe. Dal '89 per un anno lavora in un'azienda milanese come modellista per varie firme. Dal '90 in poi si stabilsce definitivamente a Firenze come stilista /modellista. Collabora tutt'ora con varie, grandi e piccole aziende in italia e in toscana. Con questa esperienza approfondisce il mestiere della fabbricazione artigianale delle calzature. Dopo 13 anni di esperienza nel campo lancia nel 2000 il suo marchio/style " YOSUKE YAJIMA", cercando cosdi costruire delle scarpe particolari con il concetto di " comfort, dettaglio e fatte a mano". Ora vende anche all'estero.

(JAPANESE)1960年 4月・東京生まれ。幼い時から「皮」の匂いや「感触」が好きで物心ついた時から自分で皮の鞄やら、靴やらを見よう見真似で作ったりした事がある。多摩美術大学時代からファッションに興味があり、卒業と同時に得に好きだった靴の会社に入社。その会社を通してミラノの靴学校にも修学。日本に戻ってからもこっそりイタリア語の勉強を会社の終わった夜通いながら将来の事を考えた。1988年より渡伊、更に語学を勉強しながら靴のデザインを売る仕事を探す。89年から1年間、ミラノの靴メーカーにてモデリスタとして就職し、数々のブランド物を作るアシスタントを経て、90年Firenzeの街を拠点にフリ活動を開始。トスカーナの靴メーカー、他、有名・無名のメーカーとタイアップのコラボレーションを持ち仕事をしながら「靴作り」を身につける。13年のイタリアでの靴作りの経験を生かし、「YOSUKE YAJIMA」ブランドをパリで発表し、2005年で5年経つ。特に「靴の新しい作り」に執着した靴で「履きやすさ・ディテール・素材感・手作り」をコンセプトとした特殊な靴を自ら工場に出向いて生産を手伝う。日本市場他、アメリカ・イタリアのショップに卸している。


As shoes designer I can create any shoes line, Ladies, mens shoes. Consulting shoes projects. Making property samples....
Please contact e-mail.

Yosuke al lavoro


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